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The lowest reach of Eagle Creek on Clackamas River closed to angling Sept. 27 through Oct. 31

September 27, 2024 

SALEM, Ore. – The lowest reach of Eagle Creek in the Clackamas basin is closed to angling effective Sept. 27 through Oct. 31 to provide coho with a safe resting area during current low flows. The closure is from SE Dowty Road downstream to the Clackamas River confluence. 

Early light rain events followed by hot, dry weather caused good numbers of coho to migrate out of the Clackamas mainstem into lower Eagle Creek. As flows in Eagle Creek dropped, fish remained in this area, concentrating them and making them susceptible to illegal snagging. Unfortunately, illegal behavior on the part of some anglers has resulted in daily calls to Oregon State Police, numerous citations, and a threat to vulnerable fish. Coho salmon are listed as threatened under both the state and federal Endangered Species Acts and are an economically, culturally, and ecologically important species in Oregon.

Visit the Willamette zone regulations updates page to see the updated information.

If you know of or suspect crimes against fish, wildlife or habitat, please report to the Turn In Poachers (TIP) Line. 1-800-452-7888 or *OSP (*677) from a mobile phone. Or email: TIP@osp.oregon.gov. Reporting parties can remain anonymous and may qualify for a cash reward or hunter preference points if their tip leads to an arrest or citation.


Contact: Beth Quillian, beth.s.quillian@odfw.oregon.gov, (503) 947-6008
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