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Commercial Dungeness crab season opening delay from Cape Falcon to Washington border continues

December 23, 2024

NEWPORT, Ore. – The Oregon ocean commercial Dungeness crab fishery is delayed until at least Jan. 15 from Cape Falcon to the Washington border. A third round of preseason testing in Long Beach, WA shows crab meat fill remains lower than required for commercial harvest.

Based on this result not meeting Tri-State meat recovery criteria, and in consultation with Washington and California Departments of Fish and Wildlife, Tri-State fishery managers agreed to delay the season from Cape Falcon to Klipsan Beach, WA until at least Jan. 15. WDFW will conduct another round of preseason meat fill testing to help inform whether this area will open Jan. 15 or Feb. 1.

Oregon's commercial Dungeness crab fishery opened Dec. 16 from Cape Falcon to the California border. Despite rough ocean conditions this past week, over 2.5 million pounds of crab were landed into Oregon ports in that area. Price at the docks averaged $4.50 per pound, well above last season's total season average of $3.79 per pound.

Weekly season opening updates will continue to be posted until the decision is made to open the north coast.

Check ODFW's website for more on Oregon's commercial Dungeness crab fishery.


Contact: Justin Ainsworth, 541-609-1134, justin.c.ainsworth@odfw.oregon.gov
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