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COMMISSION AGENDA: Friday, June 5, 2015

Friday, June 5, 2015 - 8:00 am
Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife
Commission Room
4034 Fairview Industrial Drive S.E.
Salem, Oregon 97302

Printable Agenda (pdf)


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The Oregon Fish & Wildlife Commission is not currently in session.
Friday, June 5, 2015

Field Reports – in written form only

Expenditure Report

Staff: Bill Herber, Interim Deputy Director for Administration

Legislative Update

Staff: Brett Brownscombe, Interim Deputy Director for Fish and Wildlife

Sport Fishing Regulations Streamlining

Staff: Mike Gauvin, Recreational Fisheries Program Manager

Sage Grouse Update

Staff; Chip Dale, Malheur Watershed District Manager

Adopt Temporary Rules

Staff; Curt Melcher, Director

Attachments: (pdf)

1. 635-023-0134

Snake River Spring Chinook Sport Fishery Below Hells Canyon Dam Opens May 2, 2015
Adopted April 24, 2015: effective May 2, 2015 through September 30, 2015.

This amended rule opens a spring Chinook fishery on the Snake River from Dug Bar Boat Ramp upstream to the deadline below Hells Canyon Dam beginning Saturday, May 2, 2015 to coincide with the State of Idaho's regulations for this fishery.

2. 635-006-0212

Commercial Sales of Dressed Salmon and Steelhead by Columbia River Treaty Tribal Fishers Allowed
Adopted April 27, 2015: effective May 1, 2015 through October 27, 2015.

This amended rule allows the commercial sale of gilled and gutted Columbia River salmon and steelhead caught by Treaty tribal members to wholesale fish dealers, canners, and buyers. Modifications also require wholesale fish dealers, canners, and buyers to report totals of fish purchased in round weights on the Fish Receiving Ticket using a conversion factor of 1.17. This is a re-filing of the temporary rule filed on April 9, 2015. On April 24, 2015 the Oregon Fish and Wildlife Commission adopted amendments to the permanent version of this rule. This re-filing incorporates those amendments.

3. 635-023-0125

Columbia River Recreational Season for Salmon, Steelhead and Shad Set
Adopted April 30, 2015: effective May 2, 2015 through June 15, 2015.

This amended rule allows the recreational harvest of adipose fin-clipped spring Chinook salmon in the Hood River from April 15 through June 30, 2015. The Hood River open area extends from the mouth to the mainstem confluence with the East Fork, and the West Fork from the confluence with the mainstem upstream to the angling deadline 200 feet downstream of Punchbowl Falls. The daily bag limit is 2 adult adipose fin-clipped salmon per day and 5 adipose fin-clipped jack salmon per day. All salmon that do not have a healed clipped adipose fin must be released unharmed. All other limits and restrictions remain unchanged from those listed in the 2015 Oregon Sport Fishing Regulations for the Hood River.

4. 635-042-0022

Columbia River Commercial Spring Chinook Drift Net Fishery Set for May 4, 2015
Adopted April 30, 2015: effective May 4, 2015 through May 5, 2015.

This amended rule authorizes a 14-hour non-Indian commercial spring Chinook drift net fishery in the mainstem Columbia River to commence on Monday, May 4, 2015 from the mouth of the Columbia River upstream to Beacon Rock (Zones 1 thru 5). The authorized fishing period begins at 10:00 a.m. Monday, May 4, 2015. Modifications are consistent with action taken April 30, 2015 by the Oregon and Washington Departments of Fish and Wildlife in a meeting of the Columbia River Compact.

5. 635-042-0145, 635-042-0160, 635-042-0170, 635-042-0180

2015 Commercial Spring Fisheries for Columbia River Select Areas Modified
Adopted April 30, 2015: effective May 4, 2015 through July 30, 2015.

These amended rules modify seasons previously set for spring commercial fisheries in the Select Areas of the Columbia River. Rule revisions are consistent with action taken April 30, 2015 by the Oregon and Washington Departments of Fish and Wildlife at a meeting of the Columbia River Compact.

6. 635-041-0065

Columbia River Zone 6 and Tributary Treaty Indian Commercial Fisheries Set
Adopted May 5, 2015: effective May 5, 2015 through July 31, 2015.

These amended rules allow sales of fish from a platform and hook-and-line fishery in all of Zone 6 from 7:00 p.m. Tuesday, May 5 until further notice; a Yakama Nation tributary fishery from 7:00 p.m. Tuesday, May 5 through 11:59 p.m. July 31, 2015; and a gill net season in the Bonneville and The Dalles pools beginning at 6:00 a.m. Tuesday, May 12 through 6:00 p.m. Friday, May 15, 2015 (3.5 days). Modifications are consistent with action taken May 5, 2015 by the Oregon and Washington Departments of Fish and Wildlife, in cooperation with the Columbia River Treaty Tribes, in a meeting of the Columbia River Compact.

7. 635-042-0022

Columbia River Commercial Spring Chinook Drift Net Fishery Set for May 6, 2015
Adopted May 5, 2015: effective May 6, 2015 through May 7, 2015.

This amended rule authorizes a 14-hour non-Indian commercial spring Chinook drift net fishery in the mainstem Columbia River to commence on Wednesday, May 6 at 4:00 p.m. through 6:00 a.m. Thursday, May 7, 2015 (14 hours) from the mouth of the Columbia River upstream to Beacon Rock (Zones 1 thru 5). Modifications are consistent with action taken May 5, 2015 by the Oregon and Washington Departments of Fish and Wildlife at a meeting of the Columbia River Compact.

8. 635-023-0125

Columbia River Recreational Season for Salmon, Steelhead and Shad Extended
Adopted May 5, 2015: effective May 6, 2015 through June 15, 2015.

This amended rule sets a season for recreational spring Chinook, steelhead and shad on the Columbia River mainstem downstream of Bonneville Dam for May 9 and May 16 through June 15, 2015. The rule also extends the ongoing spring Chinook fishery upstream of Bonneville Dam through Sunday May 10, 2015. Modifications are consistent with action taken May 5, 2015 by the Oregon and Washington Departments of Fish and Wildlife at a meeting of the Columbia River Compact.

9. 635-023-0095

Recreational White Sturgeon Retention Closes in The Dalles Pool of the Columbia River
Adopted May 11, 2015: effective May 12, 2015 through July 31, 2015.

This amended rule closes The Dalles Pool in the Columbia River to retention of white sturgeon at 12:01 a.m. Thursday, May 14, 2015. Current harvest estimates through May 10 indicate the harvest guideline for The Dalles Pool may have been exceeded. Revisions are consistent with action taken May 11, 2015 by the Oregon and Washington Departments of Fish and Wildlife at a meeting of the Columbia River Compact.

10. 635-042-0145

Commercial Spring Fishery Modified for the Youngs Bay Select Area
Adopted May 11, 2015: effective May 12, 2015 through July 31, 2015.

This amended rule modifies harvest regulations for a spring commercial fishery previously adopted for the Youngs Bay Select Area of the Columbia River. Retention and sale of non-adipose fin-clipped Chinook is prohibited for a twenty-hour period beginning at 4:00 p.m. Tuesday, May 12, 2015. Modifications are consistent with the action taken May 11, 2015 by the Oregon and Washington Departments of Fish and Wildlife at a meeting of the Columbia River Compact.

11. 635-042-0022

Columbia River Commercial Spring Chinook Drift Net Fishery Set for May 12, 2015
Adopted May 11, 2015: effective May 12, 2015 through May 13, 2015.

This amended rule authorizes a 14-hour non-Indian commercial spring Chinook drift net fishery in the mainstem Columbia River to commence on Wednesday, May 6 at 4:00 p.m. through 6:00 a.m. Thursday, May 7, 2015 (14 hours) from the mouth of the Columbia River upstream to Beacon Rock (Zones 1 thru 5). Modifications are consistent with action taken May 5, 2015 by the Oregon and Washington Departments of Fish and Wildlife at a meeting of the Columbia River Compact.

12. 635-021-0090

Powder River Sport Spring Chinook Fishery
Adopted May 14, 2015: effective May 20, 2015 through September 1, 2015.

This amended rule allows the sport harvest of out-planted spring Chinook salmon in the Powder River from May 20 through September 1, 2015. Modifications allow recreational anglers opportunity to harvest spring Chinook which have been out-planted specifically for this purpose.

13. 635-019-0090

Sport Spring Chinook Fisheries on John Day River and Lookingglass Creek
Adopted May 14, 2015: effective May 20, 2015 through June 30, 2015.

This amended rule allows recreational anglers opportunity to harvest adipose fin-clipped and wild adult Chinook salmon and jack Chinook salmon in the John Day River beginning May 20 through June 7, 2015 that are in excess of the Department’s escapement goals; and harvest adipose fin-clipped adult and jack Chinook salmon in Lookingglass Creek from Saturday, May 23 until further notice, but most likely not beyond June 30, 2015 that are in excess of the Department's hatchery production needs.

14. 635-041-0065

Columbia River Zone 6 and Tributary Treaty Indian Commercial Fisheries Set
Adopted May 18, 2015: effective May 19, 2015 through July 31, 2015.

This amended rule allows sales of fish from a platform and hook-and-line fishery in all of Zone 6 until further notice; a Yakama Nation tributary fishery through 11:59 p.m. July 31, 2015; and a gill net season in Zone 6 beginning at 6:00 a.m. Tuesday, May 19 through 6:00 p.m. Friday, May 22, 2015 (3.5 days). Modifications are consistent with action taken May 18, 2015 by the Oregon and Washington Departments of Fish and Wildlife, in cooperation with the Columbia River Treaty Tribes, at a meeting of the Columbia River Compact.

15. 635-004-0370, 635-004-0375, 635-004-0376, 635-004-0405, 635-004-0420, 635-004-0430, 635-004-0500, 635-004-0520, 635-004-0535, 635-005-0920, 635-012-0090 and 635-012-0100.

Purse Seine Fishery Requirements for Coastal Pelagic Species
Adopted May 18, 2015: effective May 19, 2015 through July 31, 2015.

These temporary rules place requirements on commercial directed purse seine fisheries for coastal pelagic species (mackerels, anchovy, herring and market squid) consistent with appropriate conservation and management requirements currently in place for sardine fisheries. These requirements include logbooks, measures to minimize bycatch mortality, limits on landings allowed to be processed for reduction purposes, and prohibition on mackerel fishing within marine protected areas. To minimize wastage, these rules allow purse seine vessels to pump catch from another purse seine vessel and land this catch into Oregon.

16. 635-017-0090

Snake River Spring Chinook Sport Fishery Below Hells Canyon Dam Opens May 2, 2015
Adopted May 22, 2015: effective May 27, 2015 through November 22, 2015.

This amended rule restricts the type of angling gear allowed in a section of South Santiam River: From 200 feet above Waterloo Falls to Waterloo Road bridge, angling is restricted to fly angling and bobber angling only. Bobber gear must include a bobber and a leader no longer than 36 inches in length. Any weight attached (except the bobber) may be no more than 36 inches from the lowermost hook when suspended vertically. The leader below the bobber must remain suspended in the water column and not resting on the river bottom.

17. 635-019-0090

Spring Chinook Fisheries Open In the Imnaha, Wallowa, and Lower Grande Ronde Rivers
Adopted May 22, 2015: effective June 6, 2015 through August 31, 2015.

This amended rule allows recreational anglers opportunities to harvest adipose fin-clipped adult Chinook salmon and adipose fin-clipped jack Chinook salmon, which are in excess of the Department's hatchery production needs: 1) In the Imnaha and Wallowa rivers beginning Saturday, June 6, 2015 until harvest guidelines are met; and 2) In the Grande Ronde River beginning June 13, 2015 until harvest guidelines are met.

18. 635-041-0065

Columbia River Zone 6 Treaty Indian Commercial Gill Net Fishery Set
Adopted May 26, 2015: effective May 27, 2015 through July 31, 2015.

This amended rule allows sales of fish from a gill net season in Zone 6 beginning 6:00 a.m. Wednesday, May 27 through 6:00 p.m. Saturday, May 30, 2015 (3.5 days). Modifications are consistent with action taken May 26, 2015 by the Oregon and Washington Departments of Fish and Wildlife, in cooperation with the Columbia River Treaty Tribes, at a meeting of the Columbia River Compact.

19. 635-042-0145

Youngs Bay Select Area Commercial Spring Fishery Modified
Adopted May 26, 2015: effective May 27, 2015 through July 31, 2015.

This amended rule modifies harvest regulations for a spring commercial fishery previously adopted for the Youngs Bay Select Area of the Columbia River. Retention and sale of non-adipose fin-clipped Chinook is prohibited for a seventeen (17) hour period beginning at 7:00 p.m. Wednesday, May 27, 2015. Modifications are consistent with the action taken May 26, 2015 by the Oregon and Washington Departments of Fish and Wildlife at a meeting of the Columbia River Compact.

20. 635-042-0022

Columbia River Commercial Spring Chinook Drift Net Fishery Set for May 27, 2015
Adopted May 26, 2015: effective May 27, 2015 through May 28, 2015.

This amended rule authorizes a 10-hour non-Indian commercial spring Chinook drift net fishery in the mainstem Columbia River to commence on Wednesday, May 27 at 7:00 p.m. and run through 5:00 a.m. Thursday, May 28, 2015 from the mouth of the Columbia River upstream to Beacon Rock (Zones 1 thru 5). Modifications are consistent with action taken May 26, 2015 by the Oregon and Washington Departments of Fish and Wildlife at a meeting of the Columbia River Compact.

21. 635-023-0125

Recreational Salmon and Steelhead Season Opens In Columbia River Above Tower Island Powerlines
Adopted May 26, 2015: effective May 28, 2015 through June 15, 2015.

This amended rule opens a recreational fishery for spring Chinook and steelhead on the Columbia River mainstem from the Tower Island powerlines upstream to the Oregon/Washington border beginning May 28, 2015. Further rule modifications allow boat angling from Beacon Rock upstream to the Bonneville Dam boat deadline beginning May 30, 2015. Modifications are consistent with action taken May 26, 2015 by the Oregon and Washington Departments of Fish and Wildlife at a meeting of the Columbia River Compact.

22. 635-023-0095

Recreational White Sturgeon Retention Closes in the John Day Pool of the Columbia River
Adopted May 26, 2015: effective June 3, 2015 through July 31, 2015.

This amended rule closes the John Day Pool in the Columbia River to retention of white sturgeon at 12:01 a.m. Wednesday, June 3, 2015. Current harvest estimates through May 24 indicate white sturgeon harvest for the John Day Pool are at 77% of the harvest guideline. Revisions are consistent with action taken May 26, 2015 by the Oregon and Washington Departments of Fish and Wildlife at a meeting of the Columbia River Compact.

23. 635-041-0065

Columbia River Zone 6 Treaty Indian Commercial Gill Net Fishery Set
Adopted June 1, 2015: effective June 2, 2015 through July 31, 2015.

This amended rule allows sales of fish from a gill net season in Zone 6 beginning at 6:00 a.m. Tuesday, June 2 through 6:00 p.m. Friday, June 5, 2015 (3.5 days). Modifications are consistent with action taken June 1, 2015 by the Oregon and Washington Departments of Fish and Wildlife, in cooperation with the Columbia River Treaty Tribes, at a meeting of the Columbia River Compact.

24. 635-042-0022

Columbia River Commercial Spring Chinook Drift Net Fishery Set for June 2, 2015
Adopted June 1, 2015: effective June 2, 2015 through June 3, 2015.

This amended rule authorizes a 10-hour non-Indian commercial spring Chinook drift net fishery in the mainstem Columbia River to commence on Tuesday, June 2 at 7:00 p.m. and run through 5:00 a.m. Wednesday, June 3, 2015 from the mouth of the Columbia River upstream to Beacon Rock (Zones 1 thru 5). Modifications are consistent with action taken June 1, 2015 by the Oregon and Washington Departments of Fish and Wildlife at a meeting of the Columbia River Compact.

25. 635-042-0145

Youngs Bay Select Area Commercial Spring Fishery Modified
Adopted June 1, 2015: effective June 2, 2015 through July 31, 2015.

This amended rule modifies harvest regulations for a spring commercial fishery previously adopted for the Youngs Bay Select Area of the Columbia River. Retention and sale of non-adipose fin-clipped Chinook is prohibited for a seventeen (17) hour period beginning at 7:00 p.m. Tuesday, June 2, 2015. Modifications are consistent with the action taken June 1, 2015 by the Oregon and Washington Departments of Fish and Wildlife at a meeting of the Columbia River Compact.

26. 635-023-0125

Recreational Salmon and Steelhead Season Bag Limit Modified to Allow Retention of Two Chinook
Adopted June 1, 2015: effective June 3, 2015 through June 15, 2015.

This amended rule modifies the daily bag limit for spring Chinook and steelhead on the Columbia River mainstem from the Tongue Point/Rocky Point line upstream to the Oregon/Washington border to allow retention of two adult adipose fin-clipped Chinook per day beginning June 3, 2015. All sockeye and non adipose fin-clipped salmonids must be released. Modifications are consistent with action taken June 1, 2015 by the Oregon and Washington Departments of Fish and Wildlife at a meeting of the Columbia River Compact.

27. 635-039-0085

Sport Pacific Halibut All-Depth Season Closes from Leadbetter Point, WA to Cape Falcon, OR
Adopted June 2, 2015: effective June 3, 2015 through September 30, 2015.

This amended rule closes the all-depth sport fishery for Pacific halibut in the area between Leadbetter Point, WA and Cape Falcon, OR at 11:59 p.m. on Wednesday, June 3, 2015 due to the projected attainment of the pre-season quota of 9,754 pounds. This rule is consistent with regulations previously implemented by the federal government and the International Pacific Halibut Commission for the 2015 Oregon sport Pacific halibut fishery.


Note:  This part of the agenda is for comments on topics not scheduled elsewhere on the agenda. Please contact the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife Office of the Director at least 24 hours prior to the meeting to be included in the public forum. If you bring written summaries or other materials to the meeting please provide the Commission Assistant with 20 copies prior to your testimony. The Commission is unable to take action on items brought to their attention in this forum.

Attachments: (pdf)


Approve February 13, 2015; June 5, 2014 Commission minutes

Action: Approval

Attachments: (pdf)


The Commission will be asked to approve the 2015 controlled hunt tag numbers and concepts for 2016 Big Game Regulations.

Staff: Tom Thornton, Game Program Manager

Don Whittaker, Ungulate Coordinator

Public Testimony
Action: Rulemaking

Attachments: (pdf)


The Commission will be asked to approve recommendations of the Access and Habitat Board and ODFW staff for 2016 auction and raffle tag allocations.

Staff: Don Whittaker, Ungulate Coordinator

Roblyn Brown, Acting Access & Habitat Coordinator 

Public Testimony
Action: Approval

Attachments: (pdf)


The Commission will be asked to approve the Access and Habitat Board recommendations for project funding.

Staff: Roblyn Brown, Acting Access & Habitat Coordinator

Public Testimony
Action: Approval

Attachments: (pdf)


The Commission will receive an informational briefing on the process involved in the development and implementation plan for Oregon's first Fish Passage Mitigation Banking Pilot Project.

Staff: Dave Stewart, ODFW-ODOT Fish Passage Liaison

Greg Apke, Statewide Fish Passage Program Leader

Public Testimony
Action: Informational

Attachments: (pdf)


The Commission will be asked to adopt regulations for harvest of wild coho in specific coastal rivers.      

Staff: Chris Kern, Fish Division Deputy Administrator

Public Testimony
Action: Approval

Attachments: (pdf)


The Commission will be asked to adopt regulations and harvest specifications for coastal pelagic species fisheries for the July 2015 - June 2016 period.

Staff: Caren Braby, Marine Resources Program Manager

Public Testimony
Action: Rulemaking

Attachments: (pdf)


The Commission will be asked to approve the R&E Board's recommendations for project funding from the May 29, 2015

Staff: Kevin Herkamp, STEP and R&E Program Coordinator

Public Testimony
Action: Approval

Attachments: (pdf)


July 10, 2015 – Salem Headquarters

  • Greater Sage-grouse Conservation Strategy for Oregon – Rulemaking

August 7, 2015 – Salem Headquarters

  • Restoration and Enhancement Project Approvals – Commission Approval
  • 2015-2016 Oregon Game Bird Regulations - Rulemaking
  • Oregon Conservation and Nearshore Strategies Revision Update – Informational Briefing
  • Coquille Valley Wildlife Area – Rulemaking
  • Lower Deschutes River Ranch Land Acquisition – Commission Approval
  • Malheur Lakes and Catlow Valley Redband Trout Conservation Plan –Rulemaking
  • ODFW Fish Passage Mitigation Banking Pilot Project – Commission Approval
  • 2016 Oregon Sport Fishing Regulations – Informational Briefing
  • Greater Sage-grouse Conservation Strategy for Oregon – Rulemaking

September 4, 2015 – Seaside (Congressional District #1)

  • Access and Habitat Project Approvals – Commission Approval
  • Oregon Conservation and Oregon Nearshore Strategies – Commission Approval
  • 2016 Oregon Sport Fishing Regulations – Informational Briefing

October 9, 2015 – Florence (Congressional District #2)

  • 2016 Big Game Regulations Rulemaking

November 2015 – No meeting scheduled

December 4, 2015 – Portland (Congressional District #3)

  • Restoration and Enhancement Project Approvals – Commission Approval
  • Access and Habitat Project Approvals – Commission Approval
  • Wildlife Holding; and Propagation– Rulemaking
  • Wildlife Control Operators – Rulemaking
  • Rehabilitation and Protected Wildlife -Rulemaking




The Commission meeting will begin at 8:00 AM June 5, 2015, and proceed chronologically through the agenda. If you wish to receive written materials prepared for any of the agenda items, please contact the Director’s Office in Salem at 503.947.6044 to request a packet for those items which interest you or see the agency’s website at

A recess will be taken at 12:00 Noon, when the Commission will have lunch and may discuss matters of general interest. The public is welcome to attend, and an announcement will be made of the location of the lunch. Lunch will not be provided to the public.    


If you wish to give testimony on any item scheduled on this agenda, please sign up on the sheets provided the day of the meeting. You will be called to testify by the Commission Chair. The Commission places great value on information received from the public, and wants to avoid arbitrary limits on the time or attention allocated to each witness. Therefore, persons desiring to testify or otherwise present information to the Commission are encouraged to:

  1. Provide written summaries of information to the Commission twenty (20 sets);
  2. Limit testimony to five (5) minutes, recognizing that substance, not length, determines the value of testimony or written information;
  3. Endorse rather than repeat testimony of other witnesses; and
  4. Groups or organizations wishing to testify should designate one spokesperson whenever possible.


If you wish to give testimony on any item not scheduled elsewhere on the agenda, please contact the Director’s Office, Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife, 503.947.6044, at least 24 hours in prior to the meeting. You will be called by the Commission Chair immediately following the Director’s report portion of the agenda. Please provide twenty (20) sets of written summaries or other materials to the Commission Assistant prior to your testimony. The Commission is unable to take action on items brought to their attention in this forum.

Thank you for taking the time to present your views.

Materials delivered to the Director’s Office sufficiently in advance of the meeting can be copied and distributed to the Commission. If you bring written materials to the hearing, please provide twenty (20) copies. If you have questions regarding this Agenda, please contact the Director’s Office, Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife, 4034 Fairview Industrial Dr. SE, Salem, OR 97302, 503.947.6044.


Parking at Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife, 4034 Fairview Industrial Drive SE, Salem, OR 97302, is available to anyone who attends the Commission meeting.


Reasonable accommodation, such as assistive hearing devices, sign language interpreters, and materials in large print or audiotape, will be provided as needed. In order to ensure availability, please contact the Director’s Office at 503.947.6044 at least 72 hours prior to the meeting to make your request. TTY users can reach ODFW by using the Oregon Telecommunications Relay Service. Please dial 711 and ask to be connected to 503.947.6044.


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