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COMMISSION AGENDA: Friday April 21, 2017



Thursday, April 20, 2017; 8:00 – 5:00
Tour will begin at Green Springs Inn 11470 Highway 66, Ashland, OR 97520

Printable Agenda (pdf)


Friday April 21, 2017 – 8:00 a.m.
Running Y Ranch
Ponderosa Room
5500 Running Y Road
Klamath Falls, Oregon 97601

Printable Agenda (pdf)

Commission meeting on Periscope
View this Commission meeting on Periscope: Part 1 | Part 2
Friday April 21, 2017

Field Reports – in written form only

Expenditure Report

Staff: Curt Melcher, Director

Oregon North American Bat Monitoring Program

Staff: Sarah Reif, Energy Coordinator

2016 Wolf Conservation and Management Program Annual Report

Staff: Roblyn Brown, Acting Wolf Program Coordinator

Adopt Temporary Rules

Curt Melcher, Director

Attachments: (pdf)

1.) 635-042-0160, 635-042-0170
Extend Winter Commercial Seasons in the Select Areas of the Columbia River

Adopted March 20, 2017: effective March 20, 2017 through June 13, 2017.

These amended rules extend the 2017 winter commercial salmon seasons for the Blind Slough/Knappa Slough and Tongue Point/South Channel Select Areas. The first extended fishing period in these Select Area sites is set to begin March 20. Modifications are consistent with action taken March 20, 2017 by the Departments of Fish & Wildlife for the States of Oregon and Washington at a meeting of the Columbia River Compact.

2.) 635-005-0355
Tillamook Bay Commercial Cockle Clam Dive Fishery Closes

Adopted March 20, 2017: effective March 24, 2017 through September 19, 2017.

Amended rule closes the Tillamook Bay commercial cockle clam dive fishery at 12:01 a.m. March 24, 2017 due to a projected attainment of the 185,000 pound annual harvest quota allowed under bay clam dive permits. Modifications are consistent with requirements described in OAR 635-005-0355 sections (1) and (2).

3.) 635-011-0102, 635-011-0104
Requirements to Purchase Fishing Licenses, Tags, and Endorsements Suspended for Free Fishing Weekend

Adopted March 22, 2017: effective April 22, 2017 through October 18, 2017.

These amended rules allow anglers to participate in fisheries statewide without the need to purchase the licenses, tags, and endorsements usually required to fish in Oregon during the free fishing weekend scheduled for Saturday, April 22 through Sunday April 23, 2017.

4.) 635-023-0095
2017 White Sturgeon Recreational Fishery Closure in the John Day Pool

Adopted March 27, 2017: effective March 30, 2017 through September 25, 2017.

This amended rule closes the recreational white sturgeon retention fishery in the area from the John Day Dam upstream to McNary Dam (John Day Pool), including adjacent tributaries effective 12:01 a.m. Thursday March 30, 2017. The annual harvest guideline for the John Day Pool has been attained. Revisions are consistent with emergency action taken March 27, 2017 by the Departments of Fish and Wildlife for the States of Oregon and Washington.

5.) 635-042-0145, 635-042-0160, 635-042-0170, 635-042-0180
Extend 2017 Winter Commercial Seasons in the Select Areas of the Columbia River

Adopted March 28, 2017: effective March 30, 2017 through September 15, 2017.

These amended rules extend the 2017 winter commercial salmon seasons for the Deep River, Youngs Bay, Blind Slough/Knappa Slough and Tongue Point/South Channel Select Areas. Additional authorized fishing periods in these Select Area sites is set to begin March 30. Modifications are consistent with action taken March 28, 2017 by the Departments of Fish & Wildlife for the States of Oregon and Washington at a meeting of the Columbia River Compact.

6.) 635-042-0100
Commercial Anchovy Fishery Trip Limits for the Columbia River

Adopted March 29, 2017: effective April 1, 2017 through June 16, 2017.

This amended rule establishes daily and weekly trip limits for the commercial anchovy fishery inside the Columbia River. Anchovy landings into Oregon substantially increased in 2016 from recent years, with the majority of the catch coming from inside the Buoy 10 line at the mouth of the Columbia River. There were 5,313 metric tons (mt) landed in Oregon in 2016. In past seasons since 2000, the total annual harvest into Oregon averaged around 67 mt. The magnitude of anchovy landings into Oregon from the Columbia River area alone has been a point of concern for all management entities involved (the states of Oregon and Washington, the Pacific Fishery Management Council, and the National Marine Fisheries Service) and a variety of stakeholders, including both fishing industry and environmental groups.

7.) 635-017-0090
Temporary Allowance for Two-Rod Usage in the Willamette Angling Zone

Adopted March 29, 2017: effective April 1, 2017 through September 27, 2017.

This rule allows for usage of a Two-Rod Validation in the Willamette angling zone. Modifications allow the use of two fishing rods while fishing for both game and non-game fish species, except sturgeon, in areas of the Willamette River and its tributaries, including flowing waters that are open to angling for hatchery Chinook, hatchery steelhead, trout, or warm water gamefish.

8.) 635-023-0125
Extend Columbia River Recreational Seasons for Salmon, Steelhead and Shad Set

Adopted March 30, 2017: effective April 7, 2017 through June 15, 2017.

This amended rule extends the 2017 Columbia River recreational spring Chinook, steelhead and shad seasons with descriptions of areas, dates, and bag limits for harvest of adipose fin-clipped Chinook salmon, adipose fin-clipped steelhead and shad. Revisions are consistent with action taken March 30, 2017 by the Oregon and Washington Departments of Fish and Wildlife in a meeting of the Columbia River Compact.

9.) 050-071-0010
Amend Rule to Correct Hunt Season Dates for Controlled Elk Hunt 253C2
Mt. Harris No. 2

Adopted: March 31, 2017. Effective Dates: March 9, 2017 through September 29, 2017

The season dates for antlerless elk hunt 253C2 Mt Harris No. 2 is incorrectly printed on page 73 of the 2017 Oregon Big Game Hunting Regulations as Nov. 18 - Dec 31, 2017. This hunt period results in overlap with two other antlerless elk hunts occurring in the area. This temporary rule is needed to remove overlap of seasons and reduce potential for overcrowding in the hunt area by correcting the opening date of the hunt to Dec. 18, 2017. Correcting the season dates will also provide the intended level of harvest. An identical permanent rule will be proposed for the Commission's consideration at the September Commission meeting.

10.) 050-065-0625
Amend rule to exclude Premium Deer and Elk tag holders from Starkey Experimental Forest

Adopted: March 31, 2017. Effective Dates: March 9, 2017 through September 29, 2017

This temporary rule is needed to exclude holders of Premium Deer and Premium Elk tags for Starkey Unit Hunts L52 and M52 respectively from hunting within the Starkey Experimental Forest Enclosure. Big Game Auction and Raffle tag holders, and Mandatory Reporting Incentive tag holders, are not eligible to hunt within the enclosure because of effects on research that is currently taking place within that enclosure.

Holders of the new Premium Deer and Premium Elk tags are not currently excluded from the area. This rule adds hunters with Premium Deer and Premium Elk tags to the list of hunters excluded from hunting within the enclosure. An identical permanent rule will be proposed for the Commission's consideration at the September Commission meeting.

11.) 635-018-0090
Modifications to 2017 Sportfishing Regulations in Wickiup Reservoir

Adopted April 5, 2017: effective April 5, 2017 through October 1, 2017.

This amended rule will remove the 25 kokanee bonus bag limit in Wickiup Reservoir and modify the open fishing season to April 22 through August 31, 2017 in the Deschutes Arm of Wickiup Reservoir. The Deschutes River Arm of Wickiup Reservoir will close to all angling on September 1st 2017, between the ODFW marker at Gull Point and ODFW marker upstream of Sheep’s Bridge to provide protection to fish in this section of the reservoir. This amended rule also clarifies the angling regulations in this section above the Sheep’s Bridge marker.

12.) 635-042-0145, 635-042-0160
Extend 2017 Winter Commercial Seasons in the Youngs Bay and Blind Slough Areas.

Adopted April 4, 2017: effective April 6, 2017 through September 15, 2017.

These amended rules extend the 2017 winter commercial salmon seasons for the Youngs Bay and Blind Slough Select Areas. Additional authorized fishing periods in these Select Area sites are set to begin April 6. Modifications are consistent with action taken April 4 2017 by the Department of Fish & Wildlife for the State of Oregon.

13.) 635-023-0125
Extend Columbia River Recreational Seasons for Salmon, Steelhead and Shad Set.

Adopted April 12, 2017: effective April 13, 2017 through June 15, 2017.

This amended rule extends the 2017 Columbia River recreational spring Chinook, steelhead and shad seasons with descriptions of areas, dates, and bag limits for harvest of adipose fin-clipped Chinook salmon, adipose fin-clipped steelhead and shad. Revisions are consistent with action taken April 12, 2017 by the Oregon and Washington Departments of Fish and Wildlife in a meeting of the Columbia River Compact.

14.) 635-042-0145, 635-042-0160
Extend 2017 Winter Commercial Seasons in the Youngs Bay and Blind Slough Areas.

Adopted April 12, 2017: effective April 13, 2017 through September 15, 2017.

These amended rules extend the 2017 winter commercial salmon seasons for the Youngs Bay and Blind Slough Select Areas. Additional authorized fishing periods in these Select Area sites are set to begin April 13. Modifications are consistent with action taken April 12 2017 by the Department of Fish & Wildlife for the State of Oregon and Washington Departments of Fish and Wildlife in a meeting of the Columbia River Compact.

15.) 635-023-0134
Open Spring Chinook Sport Fishery on the Snake River below Hells Canyon Dam

Adopted April 17 2017: effective April 22, 2017 through September 30, 2017.

Amended rule opens a spring Chinook fishery from Dug Bar Boat Ramp upstream to the deadline below Hells Canyon Dam on the Snake River beginning on April 22, 2017 to coincide with the State of Idaho's regulations for this fishery.

16.) 635-018-0090
Suspension of Wickiup Reservoir Emergency Rule Filed on April 5th 2017.

Adopted April 17, 2017: effective April 17, 2017 through June 30, 2017.

The temporary rule that was filed on April 5th 2017 removed the 25 kokanee bonus bag limit in Wickiup Reservoir and modified the open fishing season to April 22 through August 31, 2017 in the Deschutes Arm of Wickiup Reservoir. It also closed The Deschutes River Arm of Wickiup Reservoir to all angling from September 1st 2017, between the ODFW marker at Gull Point and ODFW marker upstream of Sheep’s Bridge to provide protection to fish in this section of the reservoir. This temporary rule also clarified the angling regulations in this section above the Sheep’s Bridge marker. This temporary rule will be suspended as of April 17, 2017. The regulations listed in the 2017 Sportfishing Regulations will remain in effect.


The Commission will be asked to approve draft March 17, 2017 Commission meeting minutes

Attachments: (pdf)


The Commission will be asked to adopt the 2017 regulations for recreational and commercial Pacific halibut fisheries.

Staff: Chris Kern, Fish Division Deputy Administrator
Public Testimony

Attachments: (pdf)


The Commission will be asked to adopt 2017 ocean salmon fishing seasons and terminal fisheries for Oregon state waters.

Staff: Chris Kern, Fish Division Deputy Administrator
Public Testimony

Attachments: (pdf)


The Commission will be asked to approve revisions to the Threatened and Endangered Species List to remove Foskett Spring Speckled Dace and Borax Lake Chub.

Staff: Mike Meeuwig, Native Fish Investigations Program Manager
Public Testimony

Attachments: (pdf)


The Commission will be asked to approve the Access and Habitat Board's recommendations for project funding.

Staff: Tom Thornton, Game Program Manager
Public Testimony

Attachments: (pdf)


The Commission will be asked to adopt the game bird season regulations for 2017-2018

Staff: Dave Budeau, Upland Game Bird Program Coordinator
Brandon Reishus, Migratory Game Bird Program Coordinator
Public Testimony

Attachments: (pdf)


The Commission will be asked to approve temporary to permanent rules on the process for issuing Leftover Limited Landowner Preference Tags

Staff: Tom Thornton, Game Program Manager
Public Testimony

Attachments: (pdf)


The Commission will be asked to approve temporary to permanent rules on the transfer of controlled or limited hunt tags from an immediate family member to qualifying terminally ill immediate family members.

Staff Tom Thornton, Game Program Manager
Public Testimony

Attachments: (pdf)


The Commission will be presented an informational review of the initial Draft Wolf Conservation and Management Plan.

Staff: Russ Morgan, Wolf Program Coordinator
Public Testimony


Attachments: (pdf)


* Written public comments for future Commission Topics can be submitted in writing prior to the meeting date at or mailed to 4034 Fairview Industrial Drive SE Salem, OR 97302

May 19, 2017 – Portland

  • Wolf Conservation And Management Plan Review - Informational
  • (same exhibit materials and presentation from April 21, 2017, to allow for additional public testimony)

June 9, 2017 – Salem
*Written public comment period will open April 15, 2017

  • Water Resources Division, Integrated Water Resource Strategy – Director’s Report
  • Crab/ Domoic Briefing - Director’s Report
  • Marbled Murrelet – Status Review Update and Request for Extension - Approval
  • 2018 Auction and Raffle Tag Allocations – Approval
  • Access & Habitat Project Funding - Approval
  • Commercial Coastal Pelagic Species (CPS) Fisheries – Rulemaking
  • ODOT Culvert Repair Fish Passage Pilot Programmatic Agreement (CRPA) – Interim Report - Informational
  • Coquille Tribal Clamming - Rulemaking

July 2017 – No meeting scheduled

August 4, 2017 – Salem
*Written public comment period will open June 15, 2017

  • Pride Awards Recognition
  • DRAFT Cougar Plan - Informational
  • Restoration & Enhancement Project Approvals – Approval
  • 2018 Oregon Sport Fishing Regulations - Rulemaking

September 15, 2017 – Welches
*Written public comment period will open July 15, 2017

  • Access & Habitat Project Funding - Approval
  • Big Game Regulations (2018 Tag Setting, Seasons, and Regulations) – Rulemaking

October 13, 2017 – Prineville
*Written public comment period will open August 15, 2017

  • Cougar Management Plan Review – Action

November, 2017 – No meeting scheduled

December 8, 2017 – Salem
*Written public comment period will open October 15, 2017

  • Restoration & Enhancement Project Approval and Board Member Appointment – Approval
  • 2018 Groundfish Fisheries Regulations and 2016 Nearshore Logbook Report - Rulemaking
  • Access & Habitat Project Funding Approval – Approval


The Commission meeting will begin at 8:00 a.m. April 21, 2017, and proceed chronologically through the agenda. If you wish to receive written materials prepared for any of the agenda items, please contact the Director’s Office in Salem at 503.947.6044 to request a packet for those items which interest you or see the agency’s website at .

A recess will be taken at 12:00 Noon, when the Commission will have lunch and may discuss matters of general interest. The public is welcome to attend, and an announcement will be made of the location of the lunch. Lunch will not be provided to the public.

If you wish to give testimony on any item scheduled on this agenda, please sign up on the sheets provided the day of the meeting. You will be called to testify by the Commission Chair. The Commission places great value on information received from the public, and wants to avoid arbitrary limits on the time or attention allocated to each witness. Therefore, persons desiring to testify or otherwise present information to the Commission are encouraged to:
(1)  Provide written summaries of information to the Commission twenty (20 sets);
(2)  Limit testimony to three (3) minutes, recognizing that substance, not length, determines the value of testimony or written information;
(3)  Endorse rather than repeat testimony of other witnesses; and
(4)  Groups or organizations wishing to testify should designate one spokesperson whenever possible.

If you wish to give testimony on any item not scheduled elsewhere on the agenda, please contact the
Director’s Office, Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife, 503.947.6044, at least 24 hours prior to the meeting. You will be called by the Commission Chair immediately following the Director’s report portion of the agenda. Please provide twenty (20) sets of written summaries or other materials to the Commission Assistant prior to your testimony. The Commission is unable to take action on items brought to their attention in this forum.

Thank you for taking the time to present your views.
Materials delivered to the Director’s Office sufficiently in advance of the meeting can be copied and distributed to the Commission. If you bring written materials to the hearing, please provide twenty (20) copies. If you have questions regarding this Agenda, please contact the Director’s Office, Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife, 4034 Fairview Industrial Dr. SE, Salem, OR 97302, 503.947.6044.

Parking is available to anyone who attends the Commission meeting.

Reasonable accommodation, such as assistive hearing devices, sign language interpreters, and materials in large print or audiotape, will be provided as needed. In order to ensure availability, please contact the Director’s Office at 503.947.6044 at least 72 hours prior to the meeting to make your request. TTY users can reach ODFW by using the Oregon Telecommunications Relay Service. Please dial 711 and ask to be connected to 503-947-6044.


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