1.) 635-041-0075
Zone 6 Treaty Indian Fall Commercial Gillnet Fisheries Adopted
Adopted September 8, 2017: effective September 11, 2017 through December 31, 2017.
These rules authorize fall Treaty commercial gillnet fisheries for Zone 6 of the Columbia River. Modifications are consistent with action taken September 6, 2017 by the Departments of Fish & Wildlife for the States of Oregon and Washington in cooperation with the Columbia River Treaty Tribes at a meeting of the Columbia River Compact.
2.) 635-039-0090
Close Recreational Bottomfish Fishing for All Species Except for Flatfish; Opens Flatfish Fishing to All-Depths
Adopted September 12, 2017: effective September 18, 2017 through December 31, 2017
Amended rule closes the recreational bottomfish fishery to retention of all species except for flatfish species and opens fishing for flatfish to all-depths. The rule changes are necessary to keep impacts from the Oregon recreational bottomfish fishery within specified harvest guidelines.
3.) 635-042-0060
Non-Treaty Fall Commercial Gillnet Fisheries Adopted
Adopted September 14, 2017: effective September 17, 2017 through October 31, 2017
This rule authorizes late fall non-Treaty commercial gillnet fisheries in Zones 4-5 of the lower Columbia River. Modifications are consistent with action taken September 14, 2017 by the Departments of Fish & Wildlife for the States of Oregon and Washington at a meeting of the Columbia River Compact.
4.) 635-041-0075
Zone 6 Treaty Indian Fall Commercial Gillnet Fisheries Adopted
Adopted September 14, 2017: effective September 18, 2017 through December 31, 2017
These rules authorize fall Treaty commercial gillnet fisheries for Zone 6 of the Columbia River. Modifications are consistent with action taken September 14, 2017 by the Departments of Fish & Wildlife for the States of Oregon and Washington in cooperation with the Columbia River Treaty Tribes at a meeting of the Columbia River Compact.
5.) 635-039-0090
Exempt Spear Fishing for Lingcod from Sport Bottomfish Closure
Adopted September 20, 2017: effective September 20, 2017 through December 31, 2017
Amended rule allows recreational harvest of lingcod by spear only. The rule change provides for an exception to the sport bottomfish closure to allow harvest of lingcod by spear only. Because spear fishing involves visual identification of an individual target fish, it is a highly selective method of take without bycatch of other species which have already reached preseason harvest guidelines.
6.) 635-041-0075, 635-042-0060, 635-042-0180
Modifications to Columbia River Mainstem and Deep River Select Area Fisheries
Adopted September 21, 2017: effective September 21, 2017 through December 31, 2017
These rules extend the fall Treaty commercial gillnet fisheries for Zone 6 of the Columbia River. In addition, a non-treaty commercial late fall fishing period for Zones 4 and 5 of the Columbia River is rescinded and the Deep River Select Area times have been modified to allow fishing from 6:00 p.m. to 9:00 a.m. the following day on previously set fishing periods. Modifications are consistent with action taken September 21, 2017 by the Departments of Fish & Wildlife for the States of Oregon and Washington in cooperation with the Columbia River Treaty Tribes at a meeting of the Columbia River Compact.
7.) 635-039-0085
Pacific Halibut Recreational Summer All-Depth Season from Cape Falcon to Humbug Mt. Closed
Adopted September 21, 2017: effective September 22, 2017 through October 31, 2017
This amended rule closes the recreational nearshore Pacific halibut season in the area between Cape Falcon and Humbug Mt. beginning at 11:59 p.m. Friday, September 22, 2017. The National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), International Pacific Halibut Commission (IPHC), and the Department (ODFW) conferred on September 21, 2017 and determined that the allocation had been attained.
8.) 635-039-0090
Reopen Sport Groundfish Fishery For Some Species Outside 40 Fathoms, With Long-Leader Gear Required.
Adopted September 25, 2017: effective October 1, 2017 through December 31, 2017
Amended rule allows recreational fishing for some groundfish species outside the 40 fathom management line, with long-leader gear required, beginning October 1. The rule change provides for a partial reopening of the sport groundfish fishery in an area and with a gear type expected to allow selective harvest of abundant species with minimal bycatch of other species which have already reached preseason harvest guidelines.
9.) 635-041-0075, 635-042-0145, 635-042-0160, 635-042-0170, 635-042-0180
Modifications to Columbia River Zone 6 and Select Area Fisheries
Adopted September 27, 2017: effective October 1, 2017 through December 31, 2017
These rules extend the fall Treaty commercial gillnet fisheries for Zone 6 of the Columbia River. In addition, the possession and sale of white sturgeon in Youngs Bay, Blind Slough/Knappa Slough, Tongue Point, South Channel and Deep River select areas of the Columbia River is prohibited. Modifications are consistent with action taken September 27, 2017 by the Departments of Fish & Wildlife for the States of Oregon and Washington in cooperation with the Columbia River Treaty Tribes at a meeting of the Columbia River Compact.
10.) 635-039-0090
Increase Marine Fish Bag Limit for Longleader Fishing, and Prohibit Nearshore Rockfish
Adopted September 29, 2017: effective October 1, 2017 through December 31, 2017
Amended rule increases marine fish bag limit from 7 to 10 fish and adds “other nearshore rockfish” to the list of species anglers are not allowed to retain, beginning October 1. The rule change increases the marine fish bag limit while prohibiting retention of additional species for which the annual recreational harvest guideline has already been met. The increased bag limit is intended to help mitigate the economic impacts on coastal and recreational fishing communities from the September bottomfish closure.