1.) 635-041-0065
2018 Winter Commercial Platform and Hook and Line and Gillnet Treaty Indian Fisheries Set
Adopted January 30, 2018: effective February 1, 2018 through March 31, 2018
This amended rule sets the Treaty Indian winter commercial gill net season in The Dalles and John Day pools and the Zone 6 commercial platform and hook and line fishery
effective 6:00 a.m. February 1, 2018. Modifications are consistent with action taken January
30, 2018 by the Oregon and Washington Departments of Fish and Wildlife, in cooperation
with the Columbia River Treaty Tribes, at a meeting of the Columbia River Compact.
2.) 635-042-0130
2018 Commercial Smelt Season Set for the Columbia River
Adopted January 30, 2018: effective February 1, 2018 through February 26, 2018
This amended rule sets a commercial gill net fishing season for smelt in Zones 1-3 of
the Columbia River. The fishery consists of 7-hour fishing periods beginning 7:00 a.m.
through 2:00 p.m., Mondays and Thursdays of each week from February 1 through
February 26, 2018. Revisions are consistent with the action taken January 30, 2018 by the
Oregon and Washington Departments of Fish and Wildlife in a meeting of the Columbia River
3.) 635-023-0095
Closure of the 2018 White Sturgeon Recreational Fisheries in the Mainstem Columbia
Adopted January 30, 2018: effective February 4, 2018 through July 18, 2018
Retention of white sturgeon from the mainstem Columbia River and tributaries from
the Bonneville Dam upstream to The Dalles Dam (Bonneville Pool), and from John Day Dam
upstream to McNary Dam (John Day Pool), is prohibited effective February 4 and 12,
respectively. Catch-and-release angling is allowed during periods closed to sturgeon
4.) 635-042-0145, 635-042-0160, 635-042-0170
2018 Winter, Spring and Summer Commercial Seasons in the Select Areas of the Columbia River
Adopted January 30, 2018: effective February 5, 2018 through June 18, 2018
These amended rules implement the 2018 winter, spring and summer commercial salmon seasons for the Youngs Bay, Blind Slough/Knappa Slough and Tongue Point/South
Channel Select Areas. The first authorized fishing period in these Select Area sites is set to
begin February 5. Modifications are consistent with action taken January 30, 2018 by the
Departments of Fish & Wildlife for the States of Oregon and Washington at a meeting of the
Columbia River Compact.
5.) 635-005-0465
Commercial Dungeness Crab Season Opening South of Cape Blanco
Adopted February 1, 2018: effective February 2, 2018 through July 9, 2018
This amended rule sets the opening date and related management measures for the 2017-2018 ocean commercial Dungeness crab fishery from Cape Blanco (42º 50' 00" N.
Lat) southward to the California border (42º 00' 00" N. Lat.) on February 7, 2018.
6.) 635-017-0080
Temporary allowance for Two-Rod Usage in portions of the Willamette Angling Zone.
Adopted February 7, 2018: effective March 1, 2018 through August 15, 2018
This rule allows for usage of a Two-Rod Validation in all areas of the Willamette River downstream of Willamette Falls and in the Clackamas River. Modifications allow the use of
two fishing rods while fishing for both game and non-game fish species, except sturgeon, in
certain areas of the Willamette River and the Clackamas River, including flowing waters that
are open to angling for hatchery Chinook, hatchery steelhead, trout, or warmwater gamefish.