Curt Melcher, Director
1.) 635-004-0355
Commercial Nearshore Fishery In-season Cabezon Daily Limit Implementation for Period 6
Adopted December 10, 2019: effective December 13, through December 31, 2019.
This rule implements an in-season Cabezon daily limit for the State Commercial Nearshore fishery for Period 6. Cabezon landings will be limited to 30 pounds per day for nearshore-endorsed Black and Blue Rockfish permitted vessels.
2.) 635-014-0090
North Coast Chinook Salmon Bag Limit Closures
Adopted December 11, 2019: effective December 13, through December 31, 2019.
District staff have observed increased incidences of Chinook salmon mortalities attributed to cryptobia, a parasite which is more easily spread under low water conditions when fish are concentrated. This rule modifies the fall salmon angling seasons to close all salmon fisheries in the north coast (Nestucca to Necanicum) for the period of December 13 through December 31, 2019. Includes all areas of the Nestucca River and Bay, Tillamook Bay and tributaries (Tillamook River, Trask River, Wilson River, Kilchis River, and Miami River), Nehalem River and Bay, NF Nehalem River, and Necanicum River.
3.) 635-005-0465
Commercial Dungeness Crab Season Opening
Adopted December 20, 2019: effective December 20, 2019 through February 15, 2020.
This amended rule sets the opening date of the 2019-2020 commercial ocean and Columbia River Dungeness crab fishing season for December 31, 2019 in accordance with the Tri-State Memorandum-Of-Understanding and Preseason Testing Protocol.
4.) 635-019-0090, 635-023-0134
Reduce Steelhead Bag Limits on Snake River and Tributaries
Adopted December 13, 2019: effective January 1, 2020 through April 30, 2020.
This rule reduces the daily bag limit for steelhead from three, to one (1) hatchery fish per day in the Snake River and tributaries through April 30, 2020 due to poor returns. Reducing bag limits ensures escapement of hatchery steelhead meets broodstock needs and reduces impacts on wild steelhead.
These regulations also maintain concurrence with states of Idaho and Washington on the Snake and Grande Ronde Rivers, respectively.
5.) 635-023-0090
Salmon and Steelhead Angling Restrictions in Effect on the Columbia River Mainstem
Adopted December 20, 2019: effective January 1, 2020 through March 31, 2020.
Angling for and retention of salmon and steelhead is prohibited effective January 1 through March 31, 2020 in the mainstem Columbia River upstream of McNary Dam.
6.) 635-004-0275
Federal Actions and Management Measures Implemented for Commercial Groundfish Fisheries.
Adopted January 6, 2020: effective January 6, 2020 through July 3, 2020.
This amended rule adopts in-season actions previously adopted by the federal government for 2019-2020 Pacific Coast commercial groundfish fisheries, including but not limited to decreased trip limits for sablefish and increased trip limits for lingcod in the Limited Entry Fixed Gear and Open Access fisheries, increased trip limits for Minor Slope Rockfish and darkblotched rockfish in the Limited Entry Fixed Gear fishery, and increased trip limits for big skate in the Shorebased Individual Fishing Quota Program fishery.
7.) 635-016-0090
Modifications to the Umpqua in the Southwest Zone
Adopted January 15, 2020: effective February 1 through June 30, 2020.
This rule will allow for retention of hatchery Chinook salmon fishery on the Umpqua River (Mainstem) from February 1, 2020 through June 30, 2020. Retention of all wild Chinook salmon is prohibited during this fishery. |