The Commission will evaluate the biological assessment of the Marbled Murrelet in Oregon and the criteria under the Oregon Endangered Species Act (ESA) to consider rule amendments for reclassification and survival guidelines for the Marbled Murrelet under theOregon ESA.
Staff: Martin Nugent, Threatened, Endangered, and Sensitive Species Coordinator Rod Krahmer, Forest Program Coordinator
Marbled Murrelet Guest Panels
Invited Guest Panel Number 1
- Quinn Read, Center for Biological Diversity
- John Mellgren, Western Environmental Law Center
- Joe Liebezeit, Portland Audubon
- Sristi Kamal, Defenders of Wildlife
Invited Guest Panel Number 2
- Fran Cafferata Coe- Certified Wildlife Biologist, Cafferata Consulting
- Tom Dober- President, Banks Rock Products Inc.
- Tom Sharp- President, Oregon Cattlemen's Association
- Kirk B Maag- Attorney, Stoel Rives LLP
Public Testimony: 48 hour Advance Registration Required
Attachments: (pdf)
*Written public comments for future Commission Topics can be submitted in writing prior to the meeting date at or mailed to 4034 Fairview Industrial Drive SE Salem, OR 97302.
August 6, 2021 – Salem
*Written public comment period will open June 15, 2021
- 2021-23 Legislatively Approved Budget Update- Director's Report
- 2022 Sport Fish Regulations – Rulemaking
- 2022 Archery Elk Big Game Season Proposals –Rulemaking
- Climate and Ocean Change Policy Update – Director's Report
- Oregon Coast Coho Conservation Plan 12 year Assessment – Informational
- 2021 Coastal Coho Fishery Regulations – Rulemaking
- Minam Wildlife Area Land Acquisition Phase 1- Approval
September 17, 2021 – Salem
*Written public comment period will open July 15, 2021
- Employee Pride Award – Employee Recognition
- 2022 Big Game Regulations – Rulemaking
- A&H Project Funding – Approval
- Conservation Plan to Reduce Risk of Whale Entanglement in Dungeness Crab Gear –Informational
October 15, 2021 – Salem
*Written public comment period will open August 15, 2021
November 19, 2021 – HOLD
*Written public comment period will open September 15, 2021
No Meeting Scheduled
December 17, 2021 – Salem
*Written public comment period will open October 15, 2021
- A&H Project Funding – Approval
- 2022 Groundfish Fisheries Regulations and 2020 Nearshore Logbook Report – Rulemaking
- R&E Project Approval, Appointments, STEP Annual Report –Approval
- Regional Dry Maintenance Time Periods & Timing of In-Water Work to Protect Fish and Wildlife Resources - Rulemaking
The Commission meeting will begin at 8:00 a.m. July 9, 2021 and proceed chronologically through the agenda. If you wish to receive written materials prepared for any of the agenda items, please contact the Director’s Office in Salem at 503.947.6044 or see the agency’s website at
The Commission will take a lunch recess as close to 12:00 p.m. as the agenda will accommodate.
If you wish to give verbal testimony on any Exhibit item scheduled on the JuLy 9 agenda, you must register before 8:00AM Wednesday July 7, 2021, a minimum of 48 hour prior to the meeting.
When registering to testify please provide first and last name, topic, a valid email address, and phone number.
Listed below are three way that you can register:
- Click on the link provided on the agenda: fill out the registration form; and click submit. ,
- Send an email the; in your email, the information listed above must be provided.
- Call the Department at 503-947-6044 or 503-507-5546.
You will be called to testify by the Commission Chair. The Commission places great value on information received from the public, and wants to avoid arbitrary limits on the time or attention allocated to each witness. Therefore, persons desiring to testify or otherwise present information to the Commission are encouraged to:
- Limit testimony to three (3) minutes, recognizing that substance, not length, determines the value of testimony or written information;
- Endorse rather than repeat testimony of other witnesses; and
- Groups or organizations wishing to testify should designate one spokesperson whenever possible.
Materials delivered to the Director’s Office sufficiently in advance of the meeting will be distributed to the Commission prior of the meeting day; any correspondence or materials received less than 72 hours prior to the meeting will be provided to the Commissioners the day of the meeting. If you have questions regarding this Agenda, please contact Michelle Tate, Director’s Office, Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife, 4034 Fairview Industrial Drive SE, Salem, Oregon, 97302, or call 503- 947-6033.
Reasonable accommodation, such as assistive hearing devices, sign language interpreters, and materials in large print or audiotape, will be provided as needed. In order to ensure availability, please contact the Director’s Office at 503.947.6044 at least 72 hours prior to the meeting to make your request. TTY users can reach ODFW by using the Oregon Telecommunications Relay Service. Please dial 711 and ask to connect to 503-947-6044. |