Friday, August 5, 2022 - 8:00 AM
Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife
Commission Room
4034 Fairview Industrial DR
Salem, OR 97302
Printable Agenda (pdf)
Friday, August 5, 2022 |
The Fish and Wildlife Commission has moved to hybrid meetings, meaning that you have the option to attend in-person or virtually. Those who would like to provide testimony virtually must REGISTER in advance to receive a testimony link to the meeting. In-person registration will be available at the meeting.
This meeting will be live streamed to YouTube and can be viewed at https://www.youtube.com/user/IEODFW/videos
Field Reports – in written form only |
Attachments: (pdf)
Shannon Hurn, Deputy Director
Attachments: (pdf)
Private Forest Accord (PFA) Implementation Update
Debbie Colbert, Deputy Director for Fish and Wildlife
Sarah Reif, Habitat Division Administrator
Kevin Blakely, Wildlife Division Deputy Administrator
Chandra Ferrari, Habitat Division Deputy Administrator
Tom Stahl, Conservation and Recovery Program Manager, Fish Division
Attachments: (pdf)
Debbie Colbert, Deputy Director for Fish and Wildlife
Kevin Blakely, Wildlife Division Deputy Administrator
Sarah Reif, Habitat Division Administrator
Tom Stahl, Conservation and Recovery Program Manager, Fish Division
Attachments: (pdf)
Curt Melcher, Director
Attachments: (pdf)
- 635-019-0090
Extend Hatchery Chinook Fishing in the Wallowa River
Adopted 6/21/2022: effective 6/25/2022 through 7/24/2022.
This rule extends the downstream deadline for recreational harvest of hatchery Chinook in the Wallowa River by approximately two miles from June 25 through July 24.
- 635-005-0355
Close Commercial Dive Cockle Fishery in Tillamook Bay
Adopted 6/21/2022: effective 6/22/2022 through 12/9/2022.
This amended rule closes the Tillamook Bay commercial dive cockle fishery on June 22 as the fishery is projected to reach the 185,000-pound quota.
- 635-021-0090
Regulation Changes Related to High Temperatures and Low Water in the Southeast Zone
Adopted 6/21/2022: effective 6/22/2022 through 10/31/2022.
This amended rule addresses fishing regulations related to drought conditions throughout the Southeast Zone. All size limits, bag limits, and gear restrictions for gamefish are lifted from June 22 through October 31 in the following locations: Malheur Reservoir, portions of the Malheur River, and Warm Springs Reservoir.
- 635-042-0160, 635-042-0170
Revise Summer Season Commercial Select Area Fisheries
Adopted 6/22/2022: effective 6/22/2022 through 7/31/2022.
These rules extend open periods from 12 to 16 hours on Mondays and Thursdays and add 16 hour fishing periods on Wednesdays for commercial salmon, sturgeon, and shad in the Blind Slough/Knappa Slough and Tongue Point/South Channel fisheries. Open periods are from June 22 through July 15.
- 635-019-0090
Allow Bait for Hatchery Chinook Fishing in the Imnaha River
Adopted 6/24/2022: effective 6/25/2022 through 7/24/2022.
This rule allows the use of bait for recreational angling for hatchery Chinook in the Imnaha River from June 25 through July 24 from the mouth upstream to the Summit Creek bridge.
- 635-039-0085
Add Recreational Central Coast Subarea All Depth Halibut Fishing Periods
Adopted 6/28/2022: effective 7/7/2022 through 7/30/2022.
This amended rule extends the recreational fishery for Pacific halibut in the Central Coast Subarea all-depth area (Cape Falcon to Humbug Mountain) on Thursday through Saturday weekly from July 7 through July 30.
- 635-004-0275
Federal Actions and Management Measures Implemented for Commercial Groundfish Fisheries
Adopted 6/30/2022: effective 7/5/2022 through 12/31/2022.
This amended rule adopts in-season actions previously adopted by the federal government for 2021- 2022 Pacific Coast Limited Entry Fixed Gear and Open Access commercial groundfish fisheries, including but not limited to increases and reductions in sablefish trip limits depending on time of year and fishery, and increases in lingcod trip limits.
- 635-016-0090
Increase Harvest Methods for Smallmouth Bass in the Coquille River
Adopted 6/30/2022: effective 7/1/2022 through 10/31/2022.
This rule allows the use of bait, spears, and spear guns to harvest smallmouth bass in the Coquille River (mainstem), East Fork Coquille River, Middle Fork Coquille River, North Fork Coquille River, and South Fork Coquille River (mouth to USFS boundary near Powers) from May 22 through October 31.
- 635-016-0090
Coastal Chinook Bag Limit Reductions and Area Closures
Adopted 6/30/2022: effective 7/1/2022 through 10/31/2022.
This amended rule will modify bag limits, close salmon fishing, or implement other measures for harvest of wild Chinook in specified Oregon coastal rivers from July 1 through December 31.
- 635-018-0090
Close Deschutes River Fisheries
Adopted 6/30/2022: effective 7/1/2022 through 9/15/2022.
This amended rule increases protections for wild summer steelhead in the Columbia River Basin by closing angling in the Deschutes River.
- 635-019-0090
Enact Steelhead Fishery Regulations in the John Day River
Adopted 6/30/2022: effective 7/1/2022 through 7/24/2022.
This amended rule reduces the daily bag limit for hatchery steelhead from three to one from July 1 through August 31 in the lower portion of the John Day River.
- 635-014-0090
Coastal Chinook Bag Limit Reductions and Area Closures
Adopted 6/30/2022: effective 8/1/2022 through 12/31/2022.
This amended rule will modify bag limits, close salmon fishing, or implement other measures for harvest of wild Chinook in specified Oregon coastal rivers from August 1 through December 31.
- 635-018-0090
Enact Steelhead Fishery Regulations in Eagle Creek
Adopted 6/30/2022: effective 7/1/2022 through 9/15/2022.
This amended reduces the daily bag limit for hatchery steelhead from three to one from July 1 through July 14 in the lower portion of Eagle Creek.
- 635-023-0128
Modify Recreational Summer Salmon and Steelhead Retention Fisheries in the Columbia River
Adopted 6/30/2022: effective 7/1/2022 through 7/31/2022.
This amended rule sets lower Columbia River recreational salmon fisheries from July 1 through July 13 and modifies the daily bag limit to allow harvest of sockeye in previously-adopted fisheries from the Astoria-Megler Bridge upstream to to the OR/WA border (upstream of McNary Dam) from July 1 through July 31.
- 635-041-0076
Authorize Sales in Treaty Commercial Summer Fishery
Adopted 6/30/2022: effective 7/1/2022 through 7/31/2022.
These amended rules authorize the sale of fish caught in treaty gillnet fisheries open in Zone 6 (upstream of Bonneville Dam) during periods from July 4 through July 15.
- 635-042-0145
Expand the Summer Season Commercial Select Area Fishery in Youngs Bay
Adopted 7/1/2022: effective 7/5/2022 through 7/31/2022.
These rules extend the length of open periods in the Youngs Bay Select Area commercial fishery for part of the summer season (July 5-15).
- 635-018-0090
Enact Thermal Angling Sanctuaries in the Columbia and Deschutes Rivers, and Herman and Eagle Creeks
Adopted 7/11/2022: effective 7/15/2022 through 9/15/2022.
This amended rule closes angling in the central zone thermal angling sanctuary areas (lower portions of Eagle Creek and Deschutes River) from July 15 through September 15.
- 635-023-0128
Enact Thermal Angling Sanctuaries in the Columbia River
Adopted 7/11/2022: effective 7/15/2022 through 7/31/2022.
This amended rule closes angling in portions of the mainstem Columbia River adjacent to the mouths of Eagle Creek and the Deschutes River, and that portion of Herman creek and lagoon within the Columbia River Zone from July 15 through September 15.
- 635-014-0090
Siuslaw River Basin Angling Closure
Adopted 7/11/2022: effective 8/1/2022 through 12/31/2022.
This amended rule clarifies that the temporary revisions closing angling implemented through temporary filing DFW-78-2022 for the Siuslaw River apply to the entire Siuslaw River Basin from August 1 through December 31.
- 635-016-0090
Coos River Basin Coastal Chinook Bag Limit Reduction
Adopted 7/11/2022: effective 7/12/2022 through 10/31/2022.
This amended rule clarifies that the temporary revisions implemented through temporary filing 75-2022 for the Coos River apply to the entire Coos River Basin from July 12 through December 31.
- 635-023-0128
Modify Recreational Summer Salmon and Steelhead Retention Fisheries in the Columbia River
Adopted 7/13/2022: effective 7/15/2022 through 7/31/2022.
This amended rule extends harvest of hatchery Chinook in the lower Columbia River recreational salmonid fishery from July 14 through July 31.
- 635-041-0076
Authorize Sales in Treaty Commercial Summer Fishery
Adopted 7/13/2022: effective 7/18/2022 through 7/31/2022.
These amended rules authorize the sale of fish caught in treaty gillnet fisheries open in Zone 6 (upstream of Bonneville Dam) during periods from July 18 through July 28.
- 635-023-0095
Maintain White Sturgeon Retention Fishery Closure in the Columbia River
Adopted 7/18/2022: effective 7/18/2022 through 12/31/2022.
This amended rule maintains a closure for retention of white sturgeon in the Columbia River and all tributaries from Bonneville Dam upstream to McNary Dam. Modifications are consistent with actions taken by the Departments of Fish and Wildlife for the States of Oregon and Washington through joint state action.
- 635-023-0130
Set Recreational Fall Salmon and Steelhead Retention Fisheries in the Columbia River
Adopted 7/19/2022: effective 8/1/2022 through 12/31/2022.
This amended rule sets the Columbia River recreational salmon and steelhead fisheries from August 1 through December 31.
- 635-021-0090
Reduce Angling Restrictions in Heart Lake and Holbrook Reservoir
Adopted 7/21/2022: effective 7/22/2022 through 10/31/2022.
This amended rule lifts all size limits, bag limits, and gear restrictions for gamefish from July 22 through October 31 in Holbrook Reservoir and July 22 through September 18 in Heart Lake.
- 635-039-0085
Add Recreational Columbia River and Central Coast Subareas All Depth Halibut Fishing Periods
Adopted 7/21/2022: effective 8/4/2022 through 10/31/2022.
This amended rule extends the recreational fishery for Pacific halibut in the Central Coast Subarea all-depth area (Cape Falcon to Humbug Mountain) on Thursday through Saturday weekly from August 4 through October 31, and in the Columbia River Subarea on August 19, 25, 28, September 3, 4, and 23.
- 635-019-0090
Enact Steelhead Fishery Regulations in the John Day River
Adopted 7/21/2022: effective 7/25/2021 through 12/31/2022.
This amended rule reduces the daily bag limit for hatchery steelhead from three to one from July 1 through August 31 in the lower portion of the John Day River.
- 635-053-0005
Adopt Controlled Hunt Permit Numbers for 2022 Oregon Sage-Grouse Hunting Season
Adopted: July 27, 2022 – Effective Dates: July 27, 2022 through January 22, 2023
This rule amendment is needed to establish the maximum number of permits that may be issued for the purpose of hunting sage-grouse during the previously adopted September 10 - September 18, 2022 Oregon controlled sage-grouse season.
- 635-017-0090
Extend Lamprey Fishery in Willamette River
Adopted 7/27/2022: effective 7/27/2022 through 8/15/2022.
This amended rule extends the lamprey season through August 15 in the Willamette River at Willamette Falls.
- 635-005-0355
Close Commercial Dive Butter Clam Fishery in Tillamook Bay
Adopted 7/28/2022: effective 8/1/2022 through 12/9/2022.
This amended rule closes the Tillamook Bay commercial dive butter clam fishery on August 1 as the fishery is projected to reach the 225,000-pound quota.
- 635-042-0031, 635-042-0145, 635-042-0160, 635-042-0170, 635-042-0180
Adopt Select Area and Mainstem Columbia River Commercial Fisheries
Adopted 7/28/2022: effective 8/1/2022 through 12/31/2022.
These rules implement 2022 fall Columbia River Mainstem and Select Area commercial fisheries. The following fisheries are addressed by these rules: Columbia River Zones 4-5, Blind/Knappa Slough, Tongue Point/South Channel, Youngs Bay, and Deep River.
- 635-041-0045
Set Treaty Commercial Fall Fisheries
Adopted 7/28/2022: effective 8/1/2022 through 12/31/2022.
These amended rules authorize the sales of fish caught in treaty fisheries. up
• Platform hook and line fisheries are open in Zone 6 (above Bonneville Dam) from August 1 through December 31.
• Platform hook and line fisheries are open downstream from Bonneville Dam from August 1 through October 31.
- 635-018-0090
Open Deschutes River Fisheries
Adopted 7/29/2022: effective 7/29/2022 through 9/15/2022.
This amended rule lifts closures in the Deschutes River that were in place to increase protections for wild summer steelhead in the Columbia River Basin. The closures will end after August 14.
- 635-067-0000
Amend Rules to Modify Season Dates for Specified 2022 Oregon Controlled Deer and Pronghorn Hunts
Adopted: July 29, 2022 – Effective Dates: July 29, 2022 through December 31, 2022
Oregon Administrative Rules establishing season dates for 2022 controlled pronghorn antelope, eastern Oregon deer hunts, and deer bow hunts were adopted September 17, 2021. Season dates adopted at that time included date errors for three hunts shown in the hunt tables presented to the Commission. These rule amendments are needed to correct the seasons to reflect the accurate dates published on tags for these hunts.
- 635-069-0000 & 635-073-0000
Amend Rules to Modify Season Dates for Specified 2022 Oregon Controlled Deer and Pronghorn Hunts
Adopted: July 29, 2022 – Effective Dates: July 29, 2022 through December 31. 2022
Oregon Administrative Rules establishing season dates for 2022 controlled pronghorn antelope, eastern Oregon deer hunts, and deer bow hunts were adopted September 17, 2021. Season dates adopted at that time included date errors for three hunts shown in the hunt tables presented to the Commission. These rule amendments are needed to correct the seasons to reflect the accurate dates published on tags for these hunts.
- 635-005-0355
Close Commercial Dive Gaper Clam Fishery in Tillamook Bay
Adopted 8/2/22/2022: effective 8/8/2022 through 12/9/2022.
This amended rule closes the Tillamook Bay commercial dive gaper clam fishery on August 8 as the fishery is projected to reach the 235,000-pound quota.
Attachments: (pdf)
Attachments: (pdf)
Note: This part of the agenda is for comments on topics not scheduled elsewhere on the agenda. Please contact the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife Office of the Director before 8:00 AM, August 3, 2022 (at least 48 hours prior to the meeting to be included in the public forum). |
Devils Lake weed invasive (Elodea Canadensis macrophyte); Grass Carp Weed Control request
Joshua Brainerd; Executive Director, Devils Lake Water Improvement District
Larry Brown
Beaver Working Group
Bob Sallinger, Portland Audubon
Paul Engelmeyer
Chris Jordan, NOAA
Temporary Rules
John Krauthaefer
Columbia River
David Moskowitz
Attachments: (pdf)
The Commission will be asked to approve draft Commission meeting minutes from June 17, 2022. |
Attachments (pdf)
The Commission will be provided and update on state land-owning agencies' determination of their role in Marbled Murrelet conservation and asked to approve the Department's proposed role in Marbled Murrelet conservation.
Staff: Kevin Blakely, Wildlife Division Deputy Administrator
Martin Nugent, Endangered and Sensitive Species Coordinator
Public Testimony: 48-hour Advance REGISTER Required
Attachments (pdf)
Curt Melcher, Director
Mary Wahl, Commission Chair
Award Presentation begins at 11:00 AM
Individual Pride Award:
James Anthony – West Region/Corvallis
Paul Atwood – West Region/Tillamook
Pete Baki – HQ/Fish Division
Blair Krohn – West Region/Gold Beach
Rinee Merritt – HQ / I&E
Director's Pride Award:
Danny Pettit – HQ/ Wildlife Division
Team Pride Award Nominees:
Rogue-South Coast Multi-Species Conservation and Management Plan (RSP) Planning Team: Tom Friesen, Chris Lorion, Steve Mazur, Tom Stahl, Dan VanDyke, Mark Vargas
Director's Team Pride Award:
Cole Rivers Hatchery: Ada Carnes, Jean-Pierre Coman, Bryan DeBerry, Lee DeBerry, Enrique Delmuro, Craig Erwin, Anita Great, Lesa McLain, David Pease, Jeffrey Seeger, Mitchell Semrow, Thomas Stinson, Darrell Yazzie
Mentor Award:
Thomas Stahl - HQ/Fish Division
Dave Liscia Volunteer Award Nominees:
Alsea Cougar Study Volunteer Houndsmen: Mark Armstrong, Ty Armstrong, Andrew Beggs, Larry Beggs, Brad Mombert, Art Ragsdale and David Walker
Jon Paustian – East Region/La Grande
Ben Ramirez – East Region/Klamath Falls
Michael Walker – HQ/ISD
Kelly Walton – HQ/Wildlife Division |
The Commission will be asked to approve the implementation of a conservation hatchery program for Coquille River fall Chinook.
Staff: Chris Kern, West Region Manager
John Ogan, Coquille Indian Tribe Assistant Executive Director for Natural Resources
Virtual Public Testimony: 48-hour Advance REGISTER Required
Attachments (pdf)
The Commission will be asked to conduct rulemaking on the 2023 Recreational Sportfishing Regulations.
Staff: Michael Gauvin, Recreational Fisheries Program Manager
Virtual Public Testimony: 48-hour Advance REGISTER Required
Attachments (pdf)
*Written public comments for future Commission Topics can be submitted in writing prior to the meeting date at ODFW.Commission@odfw.oregon.gov or mailed to 4034 Fairview Industrial Drive SE Salem, OR 97302.
September 16, 2022 – Burns
*Written public comment period will open July 15, 2022
- Access and Habitat Project Funding - Approval
- Big Game Regulations; 2023 Tag Setting, Seasons, and Regulations – Rulemaking
- Oregon Conservation and Recreation Advisory Committee Rule Change- Rulemaking
- Chronic Wasting Disease – Informational
October 14, 2022 – Coos Bay
*Written public comment period will open August 15, 2022
- Renewable Energy – Director's Report
- Salmon Carcass Disposition- Rulemaking
November 18, 2022 – HOLD No Meeting Scheduled
*Written public comment period will open September 15, 2022
December 16, 2022 – Portland
*Written public comment period will open October 15, 2022
- ODFW Carbon Reduction Plan – Director's Report
- Access and Habitat Project Funding- Approval
- Restoration and Enhancement & Salmon and Trout Enhancement Programs Reports; R&E Board Appointments – Informational/Approval
- Salmon and Trout Enhancement Program Rules – Rulemaking
- 2023 Groundfish Fisheries Regulations and 2021 Nearshore Logbook Report- Rulemaking
- Siletz Tribal Memorandum of Understanding - Approval
Public Comment and Public Hearing Testimony: Regular Commission meetings allow for in-person, virtual, or written public comment. When registering to testify please provide first and last name, topic, a valid email address, and phone number.
Comment and testimony are limited to three minutes. All parties interested in providing public comment or testifying as part of a public hearing shall participate using one of the following methods:
- In-Person Comment: Parties interested in providing in-person verbal public comment shall
fill out a "Witness Registration" form available at the meeting.
- Video or Audio Conference Call: If you wish to give virtual public comment or testimony on Exhibits scheduled on the Friday, August 5 agenda, YOU MUST REGISTER (REGISTER) BEFORE 8:00 AM WEDNESDAY August 3, 2022; a minimum of 48 hour prior to the meeting. Staff will collect contact your information and provide information on how to access the meeting to provide comment.
- Written Comment: Send to ODFW.Commission@odfw.oregon.gov or 4034 Fairview Industrial Drive SE, Salem, Oregon, 97302. Materials delivered to the Director's Office sufficiently in advance of the meeting will be distributed to the Commission prior of the meeting day; any correspondence or materials received less than 72 hours prior to the meeting will be provided to the Commissioners the day of the meeting.
Public Forum: If you wish to give testimony on any item not scheduled elsewhere on the agenda, please contact the Director's Office, Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife, 503.947.6044, or ODFW.Commission@odfw.oregon.gov. YOU MUST REGISTER BEFORE 8:00AM WEDNESDAY August 3, 2022; a minimum of 48 hour prior to the meeting. Please provide written summaries or other materials to the Commission Assistant prior to your testimony. The Commission is unable to act on items brought to their attention in this forum.
If you have questions regarding this agenda, please contact Michelle Tate, Director's Office, Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife, 4034 Fairview Industrial Drive SE, Salem, Oregon, 97302, or call 503- 947-6033.
Reasonable accommodation, such as assistive hearing devices, sign language interpreters, and materials in large print or audiotape, will be provided as needed. In order to ensure availability, please contact the Director's Office at 503.947.6044 at least 72 hours prior to the meeting to make your request. TTY users can reach ODFW by using the Oregon Telecommunications Relay Service. Please dial 711 and ask to connect to 503-947-6044. |