February 3, 2015
Tax refund donations to the Nongame Wildlife Fund have brought back the bald eagle from the brink of extinction. Nick Myatt photo. |
Salem, Ore. – If you love all things wild, you can help support Oregon’s wildlife when you fill out your 2014 state tax return. Donate to the Nongame Wildlife Fund, Charitable Code 19, in the charitable check-off donation on your 2014 Oregon State tax return.
Funds support 88 percent of the state’s wildlife that are not hunted or fished such as native frogs, turtles, songbirds and bats.
“The donations we receive from the Nongame Wildlife Fund help us protect and enhance Oregon’s fish and wildlife and their habitats for use and enjoyment by present and future generations,” said Andrea Hanson, Conservation Strategy Coordinator.
Donations have helped:
- Bring back the Bald Eagle, Peregrine Falcon and Western Snowy Plover from the brink of extinction
- Fund wildlife habitat improvement projects on private and public lands
- Purchase educational materials for science classes as part of the Bird by Bird pilot program in the Portland School District.
- Fund conservation programs for sensitive species including the western pond turtle and Willamette Valley grassland birds
For more information on the Nongame Wildlife Fund, visit the ODFW website.
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