White River youth turkey clinic
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February 23, 2016
SALEM, Ore.—Register now for the annual turkey hunting clinic for kids ages 8 to 17, a popular event sponsored by ODFW and the Oregon Hunters Association.
The event is Saturday, April 2 at the White River Wildlife Area near Tygh Valley. Registration opens at 7:30 a.m. and the event runs from 8:45 a.m. – 4 p.m.
Kids who attend will learn the tricks, tips and strategies needed to turkey hunt including: turkey identification and behavior, scouting techniques like sign identification and how to locate turkeys in the woods, plus turkey calls and calling techniques. There is also a hands-on session about how to pattern a shotgun, establish effective ranges and hold a shotgun as a tom approaches.
“This is a fun annual event that will leave your child ready for the statewide general spring turkey season April 15-May 31,” said James Reed, hunter education coordinator. “Kids can also hunt the special youth-only season April 9-10.”
Hunter education certification is not required to attend the clinic.
Pre-registration is required and costs $10. The deadline to register is March 28 and a maximum of 100 youth will be accepted. Each youth must be accompanied by an adult.
Registration includes lunch; adults can purchase lunch for an additional $5 on site.
For more information and to register, visit the event listing at myodfw.com/workshops-and-events
Note that ODFW will waive the parking permit requirement on White River Wildlife Area for that day and camping is allowed at designated campsites.
ODFW and partners host a variety of events where people can learn how to hunt and fish, see myodfw.com/workshops-and-events for more.
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