Thursday, February 1, 2018
Salem, Ore. – Help support Oregon’s imperiled wildlife by donating to the Nongame Wildlife Fund when completing your 2017 Oregon state tax return or filing your “screen settlement” claim.
Join the thousands of Oregonians who have helped protect the fish and wildlife of greatest conservation concern and funded wildlife habitat improvement projects on private and public lands. You’ll help support 88 percent of the state’s wildlife that are not hunted, trapped or fished.
The Bald Eagle, Peregrine Falcon and Western Snowy Plover have all been brought back from the brink of extinction with help from your donations to the Nongame Wildlife Fund tax check-off.
Oregonians this year can also donate their screen settlement to ODFW’s Nongame Wildlife Fund. Those who bought a TV, monitor, or notebook computer with an LCD flat panel screen during the years 2002 – 2006 or a TV or computer monitor with a CRT screen during the years 1995 – 2007 may be entitled to money back.
Go to to file your claim by April 2, 2018. Check the first donation box for ODFW’s Nongame Wildlife Fund.
The screen settlement comes from the Oregon Attorney General’s resolution of two lawsuits brought on behalf of Oregonians against certain manufacturers of LCD and CRTs.
Contact: |
Davia Palmeri, 503-947-6077
Meghan Dugan, 541-464-2179 |