- Workshop summary
- Raw flipchart notes
- Preparing for the Future by Looking at the Past, Rick Miller, Eastern Oregon Agricultural Research Station/Oregon State University
- Climate Change and Rangelands: What are the Management Implications?, Tony Svejcar, USDA Agricultural Research Service
- Overview of Historical Weather Data, Ray Angell, USDA Agricultural Research Service
- Predicting and Managing Climate Change: Impacts on Great Basin Wetlands, Shorebirds, and their Prey, Sean Murphy, US Geological Survey
A workshop hosted by the Oregon Chapter of The Wildlife Society
- Climate change and wildlife: Confronting the challenge on the Oregon landscape, Oregon Chapter of The Wildlife Society
- Climate Change and Vulnerability of Pacific Northwest Biodiversity, Michael Case, University of Washington
- Western Governors Association corridors initiative and context for regional pilot project, Audrey Hatch, Washington Dept. of Fish and Wildlife and Julie Schneider, Oregon Dept. of Fish and Wildlife
- Washington State Climate Response Strategy; integrating consideration of species, habitats and ecosystems, Lynn Helbrecht, Washington Dept. of Fish and Wildlife
- Integrating climate change into the WGA pilot project for the aridlands of Washington, Idaho, and Oregon, Meade Krosby, University of Washington
- Oregon’s approach to fish and wildlife adaptation, Holly Michael, Oregon Dept. of Fish and Wildlife and Sara O’Brian, Defenders of Wildlife
- Psychology of Climate Change Communications, Center for Research on Environmental Decisions
A workshop hosted by the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife, Defenders of Wildlife and partners.
- Workshop summary
- Raw flipchart notes
- Oak habitat conceptual models
- Conceptual model for oak-dominated habitats in Oregon, Ed Alverson, The Nature Conservancy
- Climate change in the Pacific Northwest, Darrin Sharp Oregon Climate Change Research Institute
- Oregon’s oak ecosystems: climate change impacts and adaptation strategies, Bart Johnson, University of Oregon
- Willamette River Basin Wildlife Mitigation Program, Laura Tesler, Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife
- Southern Oregon Cooperative Conservation Partnership Initiatives, David Ross, US Fish and Wildlife Service
- America’s Great Outdoors Willamette Valley Conservation Study Area, Steve Smith, US Fish and Wildlife Service.
A workshop hosted by the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife, Defenders of Wildlife, Oregon Habitat Joint Venture and The Wetlands Conservancy
- Workshop Summary
- Notes from small group discussions
- Biological Objectives for Riparian and Upland Habitats: PCJV Planning for the Coast Range Ecoregion of Oregon, Bob Altman, American Bird Conservancy
- Mitigating for sea level rise in the Northwest, Mark Petrie, Ducks Unlimited
- Climate change and the coast: impacts on Oregon estuaries, Darrin Sharp, Oregon Climate Change Research Institute
- Tidal wetland hydrology in Oregon: New tools for defining reference conditions, mapping resources, prioritizing actions, and evaluating project results, Laura Brophy, Green Point Consulting/Institute for Applied Ecology
- Estuaries and Climate Change: Updating the Conservation Planning Framework, Allison Aldous, The Nature Conservancy
- Climate Change and Conservation Planning Elsewhere in the West: Starting Points and Pretty Pictures, Steve Zack, Wildlife Conservation Society
Additional Reports
A workshop hosted by the Oregon Zoo in partnership with ODFW, Audubon Society of Portland, Metro Science and Stewardship, City of Portland Bureau of Environmental Services, Oregon State Parks, USFS, and BLM.
- Historical Perspective: Declining and Expanding Species of the Willamette Valley in the Past 100 Years, David B. Marshall, Senior Editor. Birds of Oregon: A General Reference
- Why Common Birds aren’t Common Anymore, Mike Green, Migratory Bird Coordinator, USFWS
- Current Species Declines in the Willamette Valley, Andrea Hanson, Strategy Species Coordinator, ODFW
- Oregon Conservation Strategy, Holly Michael, Conservation Policy Coordinator, ODFW
- Bird Conservation using NRCS Technical Guidance, Chanda M. Pettie, NRCS Wetland Specialist, Western Oregon
- Case Studies from Metro Natural Areas, Katy Weil, Metro Science and Stewardship
- What to Plant for Birds, Gaylen Beatty, Backyard Habitat Program, Columbia Land Trust and Ariana Longanecker, Backyard Habitat Program Manager, Audubon Society of Portland
- Encouraging Birds to Stay at Your Place, Clair Klock, Senior Resource Conservationist, Clackamas County Soil and Water Conservation District
- Upcoming Lewis and Clark Migratory Bird Treaty Act Conference and Wild Bird Conservation Act:
“A Nickel for the Birds”, Bob Sallinger, Conservation Director, Audubon Society of Portland.
- Integrating Bird Conservation and Natural Resources Management: Best Management Practices, Jennifer Devlin, City of Portland, Environmental Services
The conference was sponsored by The Wildlife Society.
The workshop was co-hosted by the Oregon Chapter of the Wildlife Society and ODFW with sponsorship from USFWS, Horizon Wind Energy, Portland General Electric, Iberdrola Renewables, The Nature Conservancy, Northwest Wildlife Consultants and Tetra Tech.
The conference was presented by the Oregon Zoo, ODOT, Washington State Department of Transportation, ODFW, USDA Forest Service, Federal Highway Administration and Portland Metro.
Presentations of the impacts, and recommendation both short-term actions and long-term adaptive strategies for addressing climate change.